Below is the select drop down, here you able to Edit, Search and Select the value. But forgot to implement arrow icon for the drop down.
However I will do another post which will show you how to hide and show drop down arrow image with the help of css.
Comment below if you need any query.
However I will do another post which will show you how to hide and show drop down arrow image with the help of css.
Comment below if you need any query.
<html> <head> <title>Own Drop Down Component</title> </head> <body> <form name="myfrm"> <input id="filter"> <select id="countries" multiple onchange="onChangeValue()" style="width:11%"> <option value="india">India</option> <option value="america">America</option> <option value="germany">Germany</option> <option value="russia">Russia</option> </select> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> (function () { // the IIFE for local variable store information var optionsCache = []; // add option values to the cache with reduce function optionsArray(select) { var reduce = Array.prototype.reduce; //addToCache for cache return, function addToCache(options, option) { options.push(option); return options; }, []); } // give a list of options matching the filter value with match function function filterOptions(filterValue, optionsCache) { return optionsCache.reduce(function filterCache(options, option) { var optionText = option.textContent; if (option.text.toLowerCase().match(filterValue.toLowerCase())) { options.push(option); } return options; }, []); } // replace current with new options function replaceOptions(select, options) { //document.getElementById("countries").size = select.options.length; while (select.options.length > 0) { select.remove(0); } options.forEach(function addOption(option) { select.add(option); }); } function filterOptionsHandler(evt) { var filterField =; var targetSelect = document.getElementById("countries"); if (optionsCache.length < 1) { optionsCache = optionsArray(targetSelect); } var options = filterOptions(filterField.value, optionsCache); replaceOptions(targetSelect, options); var x = document.getElementById("countries").length; //alert("bbb"+x) if (x > 0) { document.getElementById("countries").size = x; } else { document.getElementById("countries").size = 1; var select = document.getElementById("countries"); select.options[select.options.length] = new Option('No Results','empty');}
} // attach whatever event var filter = document.getElementById("filter"); filter.addEventListener( 'click', function(){ document.getElementById("countries").style.display = "block"; } ); filter.addEventListener("keyup", filterOptionsHandler, false); document.getElementById("countries").style.display = "none"; }()); function onChangeValue () { var e = document.getElementById("countries"); var strUser = e.options[e.selectedIndex].text; //alert(strUser); if (strUser != null) { //alert("Test" + strUser); document.getElementById('filter').value = strUser; document.getElementById("countries").style.display = "none"; } } </script> </body> </html>